Ace the Vermont Security Guard Test 2024 – Unleash Your Inner Protector!

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Security guards must not only carry their license at all times, but they also must:

Have their first aid at all times

Have training in baton and handcuff usage

Wear a security hat with logo on it

Wear ID that has either their name or their license number

Security guards must not only carry their license at all times for identification purposes, but they also need to wear ID that has either their name or license number. Having their first aid or training in baton and handcuff usage may be useful for their job, but it is not a requirement to have at all times. Wearing a security hat with logo on it does not serve any practical purpose in this scenario, as it does not help identify the security guard. Therefore, the most important requirement in this situation is for the security guard to have their name or license number visible at all times, for security and accountability purposes.


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